Friday, December 18, 2009

Before blaming the Dem Congress, what are the oil companies doing with THIS property?

From the Yahoo article about Congress denying Bush on offshore drilling.

';Congressional Democrats were quick to reject the push for lifting the drilling moratorium, saying oil companies already have 68 million acres offshore waters under lease that are not being developed.';

So, what's up with this?

Thoughts?Before blaming the Dem Congress, what are the oil companies doing with THIS property?
Not all land is created equal. Just think about it for a moment. Oil companies make near nothing per gallon of gas. They make money through quantity of sales, not price itself. They make $0.08 profit per gallon of gas. If there were land that they could drill on and tap into large quantities of oil, why wouldn't they be doing it already? It would lower gas prices, therefore increasing gas sales and further increasing their profits.

The answer is that the land available to them is not profitable to drill for oil in. It's either expensive to do or doesn't contain enough oil or a combination of the two.

IF Congress would wake the heck up, we could drill on the coast, in Alaska, and get the coal to oil plants going on land and we would be completely self sufficient for oil for probably 80-100 years. It's certainly not forever, but it at least gives us more time to get alternatives going.

Conservation and alternative energy are great, but they will not solve the problem right now. They can only play a partial role, but we still need to increase our oil production and we need to do it 10 years ago so it would be available right now. There is no other option.

It's not just oil either. There is natural gas in some of those areas off the coast that the drilling moratoriums prevent drilling at. Natural gas isn't magic and still must be drilled for. That's another resource increasing in price.Before blaming the Dem Congress, what are the oil companies doing with THIS property?
It is also a permit problem. It can take years to get them from local, state and federal governments. Those leases do not last forever, they can spend 7 years getting the permits on an 8 year lease. My husband works in the oil field business. Report Abuse

The Democrats in Congress are POLITICIANS in an election year - NOT specialists in energy economics.

Not all oil and gas is recoverable even if you own the leases,

You don't simply poke a hole and suck out the oil.

The oil might not be recoverable with today's technology or at an economical rate.

There might not be a pipline anywhere near the leases.

There might not be a refinery or any way to build one.

The oil companies are vertically integrated to accommodate this problem but, if they can't put the pieces together, the existing leases are useless.

The companies lock up leases years in advance, often at low prices so that when they develop the technologies, they can produce from those leases. That's why they have been able to keep oil and gas prices traditionally low in the US, keep a steady supply, and provide a good rate of return to shareholders.

Unlike the government, the oil companies are run efficiently.

The Democrats are always holding hearing with the experts that THEY want to hear.

They'll listen to so-called ';environmentalists'; many of whom aren't even scientists.

Why do they discount the expert testimony from those who know the truth about our petroleum resources?
I think this pretty much sums it up:

';Oil corporations are trying to take control of as much land now during the oil-friendly Bush administration years, but are holding off on drilling until the price of oil soars to $200 or $300 a barrel so they can make even greater profits,'; said Rep. Maurice Hinchey, a New York Democrat and a sponsor of the drilling bill.
The Democrats are always blocking new drilling. They have for years. While the American public is suffering through high gas prices, they don't even care because they are selfish and using this crisis for their own ends. Go take a look here:鈥?/a>

It's a petition to urge Congress to let U.S. oil companies drill and explore domestic oil reserves. Congress keeps passing legislation to block their efforts while we are sitting on oil reserves larger than Saudi Arabia's. While I am all for the environment (they want alternative energy sources), gas prices are killing us all. Domestic drilling would both drastically lower prices and end our dependence on foreign oil for the next 100+ years. By then we will have alternative energy sources.

Over 900,000 people have already signed this online petition. The only way Congress is getting away with their actions is because most of America does not know about these large deposits under American soil.
Because they have not found enough oil to drill why do not we go where we know the oil is . so i guess you like buying from country that does not even like us and for new source of energy we been waiting since the 70s and what came out a normal America can not afford and how many more years will it take to find the new source that a normal America can afford 10,20,30 more years

Darling J the only person that holden us back is the democrat if we would have drill when Clinton was in office we would be get a million barrels of oil a day. that would help you think..
kpk02 is one of the more intelligent answers I've seen in a while. People do your homework and quit spouting the liberal agenda. If you think its about ';saving the planet or some sh*t';, you are dead wrong. It is about money (getting yours) and power grabbing.
If the GOP gets its way than more land that is owned by the US will be in the hands of oil companies. They already have 68 million acres of unused offshore waters in which they can drill but they have chosen not to.
You seem to accept the lying talking points compiled by people who assume everyone is an idiot.

Have you ever heard that the lease of land may comprise land without any chance to find oil.
Well, maybe it means that oil companies are beyond rich and are hiking up the cost of gas before they tap into other reserves to make themselves even richer.

democrats '08
because that's not what Glenn Beck and Hannity or Rush tell them to think.

conservatives only believe what their leaders tell them to.

sheep they are.
The democrats are too worried about the ecological effects from drilling or building any new refineries. Blame Al Gore!
NEVER,NEVER blame Big Business, when the Democrats can be blamed first.
Half the wells in Texas are capped. Have been for decades.
Bush is an oil man. Off shore drilling is his retirement plan.
What...a politician said something and you believe them!

Is it necessary to water or oil quench the LCC material to obtain desired mechanical properties?

is any other heat treatment cycle by which we casn obtain desired mechanical properties in LCC material without quenching it or by just air cooling or forced air cooling.Is it necessary to water or oil quench the LCC material to obtain desired mechanical properties?
Sorry, what is LCC? Low carbon (?)

The only way to harden a steel alloy material by air cooling is if the alloy content is quite high - this is the reason for adding the alloys. If you don't have high alloy content, you MUST quench to harden the steel.

You're going to need a carbon content above 0.3% to see any improvement in properties from quenching.

Another heat treatment cycle on steel is case-hardening - this would improve surface hardness.

Antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil?

antimicrobial properties of tea tree oilAntimicrobial properties of tea tree oil?
hope this helps鈥?/a>

What are the carminative essential oils and what are their properties?

I am stuck on this one. ThanksWhat are the carminative essential oils and what are their properties?
The essential oils of e.g. Anise seed, Basil, Calamus, Caraway, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Coriander, Cumin, Dill, Fennel, Ginger, Goldenrod, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Oregano, Peppermint, Rosemary, Saffron, Spearmint and Thyme have carminative properties, that means they induce the expulsion of gas from the stomach or intestine, they cure flatulence and abdominal distension.

Some carminativa, active agents incl.:鈥?/a>

Explain how oil uses are related to its properties?

For example, if a hydrocarbon chain is very long, the oil molecule is easily tangled up in each other, hence it is very viscousExplain how oil uses are related to its properties?
in what context?

without a context i would be going through everything including philosopically which would be potentially endless!
  • new myspace
  • What's the procedure for getting an oil well set on your property?

    I have about 50 acres of land in Louisiana. A person on a neighboring piece of land about 400 yards over is having a well put in place on his land. I'm almost positive that there is oil and gas on my property as well. Testing has shown oil to be throughout the area. It follows a path once called the Tuscaloosa Trend. What is the best route I can take to have a well set up on my property to allow drilling?What's the procedure for getting an oil well set on your property?
    Make sure you have the mineral rights to it before contacting ANYONE. You might find someone you never heard of before coming in and drilling on your property if they find out there's oil there.What's the procedure for getting an oil well set on your property?
    You can't ask your neighbor what he did? Maybe you should contact local drilling companies and let them know you are willing to lease land for drilling, and see what they offer.
    Check the Goelogy records for the area. I know of a case where the well was on one side of the fence and they drilled at an angle to get to the other side of the fencr for the oil.

    How does someone know if an oil well drilling company is getting oil from my property?

    i live in calcasieu parish,louisiana.i own all mineral rights for my property,and they are drilling very close to my proprety,and no-one has contacted me about drilling .How does someone know if an oil well drilling company is getting oil from my property?
    Oil Companies are regulated by state %26amp; federal laws. They apply for permits to drill %26amp; must follow these guidelines. The application includes surface co-ordinates along with est total depth %26amp; est bottom hole co-ordinates. When drilling is completed the surveys %26amp; co-ordinates are registered with the state. If the expected oil producing zone runs under your property they would have already leased your property from you. The may already be on the edge of the existing oil resevior. They do not have to notify you of intent to drill or drilling activities unless they are on your property. Each state has rules %26amp; regulations on set back distance from property lines for drilling activities. Your state mineral management office can give you that measurement. As for them drilling under your land %26amp; you not knowing about it. The state laws on this are very specific %26amp; penalties are extremely harsh. Oil does not set everywhere underground as many poeple believe. It sets in many different types of underground structures. These structures can be very large or very small %26amp; at different depths.How does someone know if an oil well drilling company is getting oil from my property?
    You will have to go to the Calcasieu Pr. courthouse. Ask them the name and ph# of the proper department in Baton Rouge that keeps maps of each oil unit and each gas unit in the state. Keep in mind that you may not own your mineral rights.

    Another solution: ask the operator of the well (the company that is physically on the ground) who the producing company is and what the well name is. Call the Land Dept. of the producer and speak with a ';Landman';.
    Hmmm. Not sure. I always wondered since they can drill SIDEWAYS underground now how someone would stop that. Good luck.
    You will see a pump operating 24 hours a day. If the pump is off your property then even if some of the well extends under your property, whatever flows to the neighboring site is fair game.

    It's kind of like ';Riparian'; rights on a watercourse.
    a rig can be next to your property and can drill at 45* and can be drilling into a pocket under your property and you wont know it....I'm not sure which dept you can check with, but go to the courthouse and ask.....sorry I cant provide you with this piece of info....
    If anyone was drilling on your property you would know it. We have crews around our property here in Arkansas looking for natural gas and oil. Some of them came on our land, drilling shot holes to place charges WITHOUT our permission. They drove over trees, made deep ruts on the land and they are now in the process of compensating us for the damage.

    There is a difference in drilling shot holes and drilling for gas or oil. Shot holes are holes drilled to place charges which are ignited so they can get readings as to if you have gas or oil on the property and to Gage estimates on how much.

    To drill for the oil itself A oil or gas well / pump requires about 4 acres of land AND can not be drilled within like 600 feet (roughly) of any houses, water wells, barns, etc.

    If you have people on your land drilling shot holes (or even a well) then you need to stop them and get the company name and the supervisor in charge of the project and get a Phone Number!!!. DO NOT LET THEM REMOVE THEIR DRILLING TRUCKS! Without a prior agreement they have illegally trespassed and you can claim their equipment and hold it UNTIL THEY SETTLE with you.

    Also make sure they make a separate agreement to pay you royalties if after the settlement you decide to let them drill on your land. If they give you a hard time - get a lawyer.
    because they haven't contacted you. if they think there is oil they want to drill. they know you can't afford to. you can't even afford a geology appraisal
    They want a little cut from your 1 billion dollars worth.

    Can someone steal oil from a property that someone owns mineral rights on from tapping into it offof property?

    My parents neighbor sold his mineral rights and now an oil co. is drilling to get the oil. A large chuck of oil is on my parents land and don't want it mined because it would damage/distroy the new house that my father built by himself. My parents own mineral rights but if the oil is drained off there land they think there is nothing they can do...i want to help them out but don't know how...someone help please!!!!Can someone steal oil from a property that someone owns mineral rights on from tapping into it offof property?
    They will have to drill today before the oil is gone. /Can someone steal oil from a property that someone owns mineral rights on from tapping into it offof property?
    Have you ever heard the phrase, ';Whoever lives at the bottom of the stream gets all the water?';

    They are not sucking it off your parent's land...oil will ';flow'; when a tap is placed in one adjacent to the land, and that is a legal means of getting it.

    Now, if they ran a pipe underground that crossed the perimeters of the property, then that is a different matter.

    Natural gas is the same way.

    PS: Anytime an oil company comes knocking on your door, new house or not, you need to negotiate with them..if you have a valuable mineral, such as oil, it will always be worth about 10 times (or more) whatever house you built.
    It's called ';slant drilling'; and it use to be very common (probably still is). I don't know how you could go up against an oil company and prove such a thing. But, removing oil from beneath residential property would not under normal conditions damage the property (it is not ';mined';),

    The best thing would probably be for your patents to lease their oil rights and get some money out of it, especially if it is being removed, at least they will be paid for it.
    if they drill from there property.i dontr think there is any thing you can do.find out all you can about your rights if any.when an oil co. drills on some ones property.they have no respect for it.they will get every ounce out.they couldnt care if your house sunk into the ground.they will make millions.then if any thing happens to your property.they will pay you your may be smart to also sell your mineral i said.check it out.they may need your just dont know.

    How do you people know exactly how much oil is under US property when it hasn't been discovered?

    Liberals are always saying there's only *this much* oil in * fill in the blank* which will only last *fill in the blank* years. How do you they know this if the oil has not been discovered?How do you people know exactly how much oil is under US property when it hasn't been discovered?
    I'm not a liberal by any means. Peak oil is a real crisis we should be worried about. That does NOT mean we should stop drilling. It means we should drill, drill, drill as we actively develop %26amp; change out country's infrastructure to accommodate alternative energy sources. Conservation alone is NOT an answer to this crisis.

    ';Historically, U.S. oil production peaked around 1970 at close to 10 million barrels per day and has been generally declining ever since, to about 5 million barrels per day in 2005. While recent discoveries raise the prospect of some increases in U.S. oil production, significant reductions in world oil production could still have important consequences for the nation鈥檚 welfare. The United States imported about 66 percent of its oil and petroleum products in 2005, and the U.S. economy鈥攑articularly the transportation sector鈥攄epends heavily on oil. Overall, transportation accounts for approximately 65 percent of U.S. oil consumption. New technologies have been introduced that displace some oil consumption within the sector, but oil consumption for transportation has continued to increase in recent years. According to a 2005 report prepared for DOE, without timely preparation, a reduction in world oil production could cause transportation fuel shortages that would translate into significant economic hardship.';鈥?/a>

    USGS National Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources Update (December, 2007) Conventional Oil and Gas Resources


    Conventional Oil

    (billions of barrels) 42.09

    Conventional Gas*

    (trillions of cubic feet) 293.62

    Natural Gas Liquids

    (billions of barrels) 7.44

    USGS National Assessment Of Oil and Gas Resources Update (November, 2007) Continuous Oil and Gas Resources, Inclusive of Coal-bed Gas Resources

    Comprehensive Resource Summary


    Continuous Oil

    (millions of barrels) 2642.39

    Continuous Gas (incl. CBG)

    (trillions of cubic feet) 361.04

    Natural Gas Liquids

    (millions of barrels) 4619.84

    USGS National Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources Update (November, 2007) Total Oil and Gas Resources (Sum Of Conventional and Continuous Resources)


    Total Oil

    (billions of barrels) 44.74

    Total Gas1

    (trillions of cubic feet) 654.90

    Total Natural Gas Liquids

    (billions of barrels) 12.04

    USGS National Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources Update (November, 2007) Coal-bed Gas Resources

    Coal-bed Gas

    (trillions of cubic feet)



    This explains a little bit about how they came up with these figures and you can see maps and more information on the webpage.

    ';2007-2008 Assessment Updates

    The main objective of the National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project is to assess the potential for undiscovered oil and natural gas resources of the onshore United States. The last comprehensive National Assessment was completed by the USGS in 1995, and since 2000 the USGS has been re-assessing basins of the U.S. that are considered to be priorities for oil and gas resources rather than assessing all of the basins of the U.S. The maps ands tables accompanying this introduction represent the update to the National Assessment as of the end of December, 2006. Since 2000, the USGS has re-assessed 22 priority basins, and has plans to re-assess 10 more basins. These 32 basins represent about 97% of the discovered and undiscovered oil and gas resources of the United States. As each basin is re-assessed the assessment results are added to the tables, and these new values replace the assessment results from 1995. New assessments completed in 2006 include Alaska North Slope coalbed methane, the Sacramento Basin, the Eastern Oregon-Washington Province, and the conventional

    oil and gas resources of the Powder River Basin.';

    ';No one knows precisely when peaking will occur because much of the data

    needed for an accurate forecast fall into one or more of the following categories:

    1) Proprietary to companies,

    2) State secrets in the major oil exporting countries, and/or

    3) Politically/economically biased.

    However, even large differences in estimated remaining world oil reserves will not significantly change the date of world peaking, when viewed from the perspective of mitigation. According to EIA, 鈥?Our) results (related to oil peaking) are remarkably insensitive to the assumption of alternative resource base estimates. For example, adding 900 Bbbl (billion barrels) 鈥?more oil than had been produced at the time the estimates were made 鈥?to the mean USGS

    resource estimate in the two percent growth case only delays the estimated production peak by 10 years. Similarly, subtracting 850 Bbbl in the same scenario accelerates the estimated production peak by only 11 years.';

    As far as global peak oil forcasts go some people say 2012, some say well beyond 2022. These are government estimates. This is the point that the price of oil is expected to have an extreme spike up as production enters terminal decline.

    These estimates are from government sources.

    By the way,How do you people know exactly how much oil is under US property when it hasn't been discovered?
    I think there is plenty of oil to be had in the US not including offshore drilling areas. It's there. Most areas haven't even be drill tested. The US has a lot of other resources which could be developed as well if companies are given tax incentives to do it. I would like to see a cleaner planet myself.

    Less people is the solution to all problems.

    We have enough oil under the Us for 200yrs of use, they have been saving it as a last resort in case of oil embargo's or wartime situation.
    This should be a pretty good estimate%26gt;鈥?/a>

    (3 trillion barrels)
    At this point, virtually every drop of oil in this country has been discovered.
    The liberals try and say there is not much oil because they dont want us to drill anywhere.
    Are you a geophysicist or something?
    As I understand it, those numbers are a combination of sampling and mathematical modeling

    What are the properties of air and crude oil? (fractional distillation)?

    for example the properties of sea water is that salt is soluble in water which enables separation by fractional distillationWhat are the properties of air and crude oil? (fractional distillation)?
    Double click on the following websites to answer your questions:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    What is a good Illuminating cosmetic powder that has no oil absorbing properties?

    I have very dry skin and it is often flaky skin due to hypothyroidism. I just purchased a tinted moisturizer to use instead of foundation but I want some kind of illuminating powder to finish the look. It needs to be free of any kind of oil absorbing ingredients such as talc, silica etc. The last thing I need is something that absorbs the only moisture that I have in my skin. This has proven difficult to find. I also have very sensitive skin and I can break out easily with the wrong product. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

    By the way not to be rude but Please don't tell me that I need to exfoliate and/or use good moisturizer and primer. I do exfoliate and use high quality moisturizer and skin prep primer. My medical condition just puts limits on what these things do for me.What is a good Illuminating cosmetic powder that has no oil absorbing properties?
    i know this isn't probably the answer you want to hear, but any powder that you wear will make your skin dryer. this is because powder is used to absorb oil. if you still want to use powder, maybe try a transparent powder. these are great as they go on transparent, they set your makeup, and don't give you that powdery or cakey look. two transparent powders i have found that work are from laura mercier/mac. i'm sure something from the drugstore would work just as well.

    another thing you could do, is buy a setting spray. after i do my makeup ( i have incredibly dry skin ) i use Mac fix's spray. it basically sets my makeup, gives my face a glow, and refreshes it. worth a try :)
  • new myspace
  • Anyone specialize in essential oils and their healing properties?

    Which essential oil(s) would work best on old scar tissue/keloids?

    And why?Anyone specialize in essential oils and their healing properties?
    I sell essential oils. You would do better with a high potency Vitamin E oil which I know will work. Puritan Pride, and many other online sources sell 2 oz. bottles with 30,000 IU oil per bottle. Apply twice a day and the scar will fade. Did for me and there is research behind it. Completely safe.

    What chemical property of Tea-Tree oil makes it such an effective anti-microbal?

    Used it in my biology coursework along with honey and lemon grass, for the citronella oil, as a natural anti-microbial but i am unsure as to how it actually worksWhat chemical property of Tea-Tree oil makes it such an effective anti-microbal?
    The main chemical components of tea tree oil (also referred to as ti-tree oil) are a-pinene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-phellandrene, a-terpinene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, y-terpinene, p-cymene, terpinolene, linalool, terpinen-4-ol and a-terpineol.What chemical property of Tea-Tree oil makes it such an effective anti-microbal?
    It contains turpentine

    How would this property affect methods an oil spill in the ocean?

    The density of petroleum oil is less than the density of sea water. How would this property affect methods an oil spill in the ocean?
    That's why it floats on the water and can be collected with large booms on the surface of the ocean - like sweeping a floor. How would this property affect methods an oil spill in the ocean?
    Not too sure of what you are asking here, but fuel oil is lighter than water and will therefore float. Eventualy it will coagulate and begin to sink.

    My daughter in Texas believes there is oil on her property. What steps should she take to have it tested?

    It seems to have appeared in her well water. The water filter had recently been changed, but her sinks are now stained and neighbors agree she may have oil. No idea what her next step should be.My daughter in Texas believes there is oil on her property. What steps should she take to have it tested?
    From Texas, and have some experience working with county environmental services and public water utilities. Also somewhat familiar with mineral rights, but novice only.

    First, I understand this is an independent well? Yes? If so, could her pump be faulty?

    Does she own or rent? Are you saying you think ';their is OIL in them there hills?'; There is most likely rights that were signed away 100 years ago with the sale of the property (not transferred with the property) for mineral rights. Check her deed or courthouse. Or check with attorney, which will be expensive. A little leg work on your part will be worth volumes and save you multi-thousands of dollars.

    Don't depend on advice of others, when this is a legal issue.My daughter in Texas believes there is oil on her property. What steps should she take to have it tested?
    Read her deed first. 90% of all land that has been sold in the last 80 years does not have mineral rights included. The mineral rights have been retained and passed to other parties.

    But if she does have mineral rights, there are geoligist that can confirm the situation. For a fee $$$$$$$$$$$$
    Democrats, tree huggers and environmentalists will not let her drill...sorry

    What are the properties of iron(ii) sulfate and oil?鈥?/a>

    and for oil, there are different type, so just check it out

    Describe a light machine oil and state its content and properties?

    A light machine oil is going to be lower viscosity than other oils. Its oil so that it doesn't dry out like water or glycerin would.

    The reason for low viscosity is better flow and wetting and less mess (machine oil spreads thinner and coats thinner, so there is less to clean up).

    Usually a petroleum distillate of some weight a little heavier than kerosene.
  • new myspace
  • Does anyone know what properties and or benifits you can get from eating 100% coconut oil?

    ull be able to lose a sh!# load of weight literally because coconut is a natural laxative

    How much does a state like Texas make in property taxes from one oil refinery?

    Wouldn't it be a money maker for poor states to allow a refinery to be built.

    How much would the state of California (almost bankrupt) make in propety taxes if they were to allow an oil company to build 6 oil refineries?? Oil refineries that America is in bad need of..How much does a state like Texas make in property taxes from one oil refinery?
    It's in the millions, whereas states like California's problems are in the billions. So it would help, but only a little. If they were really serious about bringing in revenue they would allow offshore drilling. But we all know that drilling for oil and oil companies are evil so we can't have any of that. The fact that they have superior technology nowadays and excellent environmental records makes no difference. Instead we should demand that unfriendly nations produce more oil for us. And no, renewables aren't going to pick up the slack for many many years so we'll be a fossil fuel based economy for a long time to come.

    If a property owner is letting an oil company drill on their property, and they hit oil?

    If an oil company is drilling on someone's property and they hit oil how long does it take for the property owner to get money from the oil company?If a property owner is letting an oil company drill on their property, and they hit oil?
    subject to the terms and conditions of the oil and gas lease you signed.If a property owner is letting an oil company drill on their property, and they hit oil?
    Should be stated in the agreement.

    Why does oil & water not mix together? what chemical properties keep them from mixing?

    what chemical properties allow for the mixing of water and milk and water and juice?

    but why does soap mix with both water and oil? what chemical properties allow for this to happen?

    what are the organic classifications for compounds such as these?Why does oil %26amp; water not mix together? what chemical properties keep them from mixing?
    water is polar, while oil is nonpolar. i.e water is slightly charged due to oxygen electronegativity, which is higher than that of hydrogen(electronegativity is the ability to attract electrons in covalent bonding more than another atom).

    Oil is not charged, so simply they repel each other.In other words, for some thing to dissolve in water it needs to be also polar(charged) so +ve charges attract -ve charges.Juice is polar.

    As i said oil is not charged so it doesnt mix. thats why a spill of oil on our clothes is hard to remove by water only.

    As for soap, it is a large(long) molecule, it contains 2 parts, a charged one and a non charged one, so it can dissolve in both oil and water. NaOH in soap is reponsible for soap being soluble in water.Why does oil %26amp; water not mix together? what chemical properties keep them from mixing?
    Water is a polar molecule. This means that part of the molecule is more positively charged and part is more negatively charged. Polar molecules are attracted to other polar molecules because the positive ends can line up with other molecules' negative ends. Other polar molecules mix easily with water.

    Oil is nonpolar. It doesn't have positive and negative areas. It isn't repelled by the water, but the water has a stronger attraction for other water molecules than it does for oil molecules. This results in the water molecules pushing the oil molecules out of the way, so they end up together.

    Milk and juice mix readily with water because both of those things are mostly water.

    Soap mixes with both oil and water because it is made up of a long molecule that has a long organic chain (a nonpolar end) and a charged or polar head (a polar end). The chains line up so that the nonpolar end surrounds droplets of oil, and the polar heads face outwards, allowing the ball of soap and oil to be able to mix with the water. These balls are called micelles, and compounds that do this are called surfactants. If you had a layer of oil and a layer of water, you could get the surfactant to form a layer between the two, with the polar end sticking in the water and the nonpolar end sticking in the oil.

    Should landowners have to give up their property for new oil refineries?

    Would you do it?

    To help gas price?Should landowners have to give up their property for new oil refineries?

    The gas guzzlers can all burn in HELL.Should landowners have to give up their property for new oil refineries?
    My husband and I sold a piece of land to the town we live in so they could build a parking garage because it was needed. So yeah, for the right price of course.
    why give it up sell it to the company and make a nice profit off it the goverment should stay out of it and let us build new ones but the dirt people just think it will kill the planet.
    liars.....not only would I NOT give up my property, but I'd have to take a % of the profits if I allowed drilling on my land. business is business.


    It's a lot better than taking land to build a convention center!
    Jed Clampett did, or is it Jeb whatever he packed up his car and moved to Beverly.........
    Hell, if the government helps me out with moving expenses SURE!
    sure ..this is the American Way will all be worth it ..some day

    If there was an oil on property that I am looking to purchase and the seller wants me to pay for the soil test

    would you continue with the purchase? Isn't a soil test very expensive?If there was an oil on property that I am looking to purchase and the seller wants me to pay for the soil test
    Why would someone sell a property with oil without having already done the test. Wouldnt they want to know what they were sitting on to determine its inherent value? Scam? I really have no idea just sounds fishy.If there was an oil on property that I am looking to purchase and the seller wants me to pay for the soil test
    if the seller really wants to sell, then they should pay for an independent soil test...
    If you struck oil you'd be rich, go for it!!
    A soils test is less than 2000 dollars
    My guess is there is only enough oil to make growing trees and plants impossible, but not enough to make you rich.

    It sounds shady, find another house.
    Is this crude oil, as in oil wells and the like OR is this a matter of oil having leaked out of something and gone into the ground as in POLLUTION?

    If this snake oil salesman says that there is oil UNDER the property that he is trying to sell, HE should pay for the test to prove what he's claiming is true.

    If it is the oil spill option, he should still have it tested - at HIS expense, and I would be wanting a certificate from the environmental agency to say that it is not a problem otherwise you may get stuck with a massive cleanup bill!

    Beware of this guy!! Something is rotten in Denmark - and it ain't the cheese!
  • new myspace
  • What property of oil makes it float on water?

    1. because of the hydrophobicity of oil, oil and water do not mix. Therefore you will get two layers.

    2. the compound with the lowest density will be on top, which is oil.What property of oil makes it float on water?
    The true chemical reason is that it is nonpolar (meaning it's hydrophobic and does not mix with water) whereas water is polar. All the nonpolar molecules of oil are pushed out of the water molecules and separate from the water.What property of oil makes it float on water?
    it's density less than water
    I think it's do with with hydrophobic interactions.
    there are total oil in whichnarab country and
    it's weight. it is lighter in weight than water.

    Wednesday, December 16, 2009

    How do I apply for heating oil assistance and property tax relief in Maine?

    Here's where to find heating assistance information:鈥?/a>How do I apply for heating oil assistance and property tax relief in Maine?
    You can also check this out as well.鈥?/a>How do I apply for heating oil assistance and property tax relief in Maine?
    go to your church there has got to be someone there that can help you there they generally do.

    Why is Lubricity an important property of oil?

    It allows us to lubricate machines and stuff. With lubrication, machines can efficiently move or else a lot of energy would be wasted. It reduces friction.Why is Lubricity an important property of oil?
    because that's one of it's main functionsWhy is Lubricity an important property of oil?
    Is this a serious question, or did I misread it?
    Because it makes it useful to us.

    What are the medicinal properties of olive oil.?can it help to improve the skin and take care of skin disorder

    I don't know what skin disorder you are referring to, that is a broad question. The skin improving properties of olive oil is that it had a moderate supply of essential fatty acids that are necessary for skin health. It makes for a good natural moisturizer by putting a few drops in your hand and applying to damp skin, ie. legs and face etc. DL

    What are phisycal properties of tar, which comes from the bottom of fractional distillation tower of crude oil

    the tar is also called ';vacuum bottom';. It is a very viscous liquid.What are phisycal properties of tar, which comes from the bottom of fractional distillation tower of crude oil

    -not Flammable

    used as a Disinfectant (coal tar in anti-dandruff shampoo)What are phisycal properties of tar, which comes from the bottom of fractional distillation tower of crude oil
    Coal tar is a brown or black liquid of high viscosity, which smells of naphthalene and aromatic hydrocarbons. It is the liquid by-product of the distillation of coal to make coke. The gaseous by-product of this process is commonly known as town gas.

    Bitumen is a mixture of organic liquids that are highly viscous, black, sticky, entirely soluble in carbon disulfide, and composed primarily of highly condensed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

    Bitumen is the residual (bottom) fraction obtained by fractional distillation of crude oil. It is the heaviest fraction and the one with the highest boiling point.

    In British English, the word 'asphalt' refers to a mixture of mineral aggregate and bitumen (or tarmac in common parlance). The word 'tar' refers to the black viscous material obtained from the destructive distillation of coal and is chemically distinct from bitumen. In American English, bitumen is referred to as 'asphalt' or 'asphalt cement' in engineering jargon. In Australian English, bitumen is sometimes used as the generic term for road surfaces.

    How do I find someone to lease and drill for oil on property my grandfather owns?

    My grandfather owns about 40 acres of land with mineral rights in central texas and he wants an oil well on his land. He asked me to post this question. How would he get the property appraised or valuated for drilling and extracting and production. I don't kow if he would be willing to lease mineral rights or possibly sell.How do I find someone to lease and drill for oil on property my grandfather owns?
    In the state of Texas there are a large number of drilling companies and the larger ones have Geologist on staff, contact some and they will evaluate your grandfathers property for oil formations, they can usually do this by cross referencing other wells in the area without being intrusive on the property.~How do I find someone to lease and drill for oil on property my grandfather owns?
    call a local gas company they do it all the time here in Oklahoma. But they want to keep what they earn and give you some crumby rights. Like my friend and neighbor, they promised to maintain the road and she gave them an acre of ground and they come flying up the road with big trucks to her place and dump some gravel once in a while.

    Then this other guy says ';no way'; He makes a deal with them they build a asphalt road and maintain a separate one for his driveway. He gets free gas for life. And they clean up the site after wards and all he said I want to see is an ok Christmas tree. [well pump]

    So don't just give them the land or sell them an acre of cheap land. Negotiate. The days of getting a percentage is gone unless you have the money to put in your own well.
    contact one of the few oil companies own by vice president dick cheney or
  • new myspace
  • Is it true after heating Olive Oil, it looses all its properties and becomes like an ordinary refined oil.?

    Recently I started using Olive Oil for food. For cooking also im using it. but in one of healthshow they said after heating Olive oil it looses its properties and becomes ordinary refined Oil. How far is it true. How I can get the best out of it. Coz I wanna follow healthy life style.Is it true after heating Olive Oil, it looses all its properties and becomes like an ordinary refined oil.?
    It's OK if cooked for a short period, such as in a stir-fry. Longer cooking will do that. The best way to use it is straight from the bottle.Is it true after heating Olive Oil, it looses all its properties and becomes like an ordinary refined oil.?
    No, it's stable up to a certain temp (med hi) though can't recall an actual number. It's known to be pretty good that way. Just don't deep fry or really heat the hell out of it. I'm sure you can find the temp online somewhere, but my bottle of spectrum always had a little pic of thermometer man pointing at medium high.
    Dont believe the media crap, olive oil is great anyway.

    Also it is great to bath with, put in ears,use for nails,

    make hair grow, put on salads etc.
    Olive oil, as with any fatty substance, deteriorates during the frying process especially if it is used over and over and if the frying temperature is very high. High temperature destroys the good ingredients of any oil while it creates harmful agents for the liver, the arteries and the heart.

    It is important however to take into consideration that these harmful agents are less likely to be created in olive oil than in all other known vegetable oils and this is because olive oil has a different composition. It contains a high percentage of oleic acid, which is much more resistant to oxidization than the polyunsaturated acids, which are found in large amounts in seed oils. But more importantly olive oil contains natural anti-oxidizing agents such as phenols and vitamin E. When heated, olive oil is the most stable fat, which means it stands up well to high frying temperatures. Its high smoking point (210潞 C) is well above the ideal temperature for frying food (180潞 C). The digestibility of olive oil is not affected when it is heated, even when it is re-used several times for frying.
    thats correct

    What is the properties of olive oil soap?

    for healthWhat is the properties of olive oil soap?
    makes your skin; soft and its also said you wont have n soft and protects you'll have a super complexion; it protects the skin tooWhat is the properties of olive oil soap?
    Olive oil in general has anti aging properties topically and orally.


    can anybody help me with my chemistry assiagnment?

    ive been looking all over the internet but can ot find the answers any were.

    what is the boiling and freezing points of crude oil?

    can anyone please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!CRUDE OIL PROPERTIES!!!!!?
    You can't find the answer because there is no set boiling point or freezing point for crude oil.

    Crude oil is unbelievably complex and dirty. It contains everything from gases to solid compounds that don't melt even at high temperatures (they decompose instead.)

    Furthermore, every oil-field produces oil with a different composition so each oil will have some different properties from other oils.

    To generalize, if you had a sample of crude oil and heated it from 0*C to several hundred degrees C, it would start out being extremely thick, nearly solid, and it would slowly soften and liquefy and vaporize as it was heated. There would be no solid-liquid-gas transition temperatures like you find for pure compounds, like water, for example.CRUDE OIL PROPERTIES!!!!!?
    The boiling and freezing points of crude oil are not a fixed property:

    Crude oils vary widely in appearance and viscosity from field to field. They range in colour, odour, and in the properties they contain.

    While all crude oils are essentially hydrocarbons, the differences in properties, especially the variations in molecular structure, mean that a crude is more or less easy to produce, pipeline, and refine.

    Crudes are roughly classified into three groups, according to the nature of the hydrocarbons they contain.

    Paraffin-Base Crude Oils

    These contain higher molecular weight paraffins which are solid at room temperature, but little or no asphaltic (bituminous) matter. They can produce high-grade lubricating oils.

    Asphaltic-Base Crude Oils

    Contain large proportions of asphaltic matter, and little or no paraffin. Some are predominantly naphthenes so yield a lubricating oil that is more sensitive to temperature changes than the paraffin-base crudes.

    Mixed-Base Crude Oils

    The ';gray area'; between the two types above. Both paraffins and naphthenes are present, as well as aromatic hydrocarbons. Most crudes fit this category.

    You should get some idea of what鈥檚 involved from:鈥?/a>
    Crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. The petroleum from different sources will have different properties since the composition will vary.

    The various components within the mixture will boil at different temperatures and so giving a single boiling point is not a feasible option.

    If you look up 'Petroleum' in Wikipedia you will get some idea about the complexity.
    It is an organic mixture.

    It doesn't have a definite boiling or a freezing point .
    they are made from hydrocarbons.

    Does fish oil have any special properties?

    Fish oil is your best source for EPA and DHA, the important components to any Omega 3 oil.

    In fish oil, the EPA and DHA are ready for your body, unlike plant oils that your body need to to convert.

    An oil higher in EPA is most important for adults. EPA is a natural anti-inflammatory and a blood thinner. It is also important to our body for regulating our hormones. Fish body oils, taken on a regular basis, can help with inflammatory diseases, heart health and migraines. A fish oil that has a very high ratio (above 18/12) in EPA and low in DHA has been found effective in helping those with depression or SAD.

    An oil high in DHA is most important for children. DHA is vital in cellular development. Our brains, our skin, every cell in our body requires DHA to be healthy and functioning.

    Depending on what kind of fish oil you are taking you are going to get differing amounts of EPA and DHA.

    Fish body oils are also known as 18/12 oils, higher in EPA. This means there is 18% EPA to 12% DHA. When you look for a fish body oil look for small fish on the ingredients list (ie: sardine, mackeral, anchovy) or wild salmon (although a larger fish, it eats low on the food chain). This will minimize the risk of heavy metals in your oil - although, todays' advanced distilling leaves us with very, clean oils.

    If you are looking for higher amounts of DHA then cod liver oil is your best bet. Certain brands market high ratio DHA oils specifically for children with ADD/ADHD.

    The oils available today are not the oils your parents and grandparents had to choke down. They are available in different fruit flavours and they have no fishy taste or smell. You can also find them in capsule form. Liquid form is normally more cost effective, but many people prefer capsules as they are more convenient and portable. Be prepared to down 6-9 capsules to get the equivalent 1 tsp of oil! The liquid form can easily be hidden in yogurt, applesauce, a smoothie or juice for the fussy kid - or the fussy adult!

    Best wishes!Does fish oil have any special properties?
    Fish oil used to be the solvent carrier used in Rustoleum paint. I think they changed that a few years ago.Does fish oil have any special properties?
    The big benefits that people take it for are the EPA and DHA. In short, these are essential fatty acids. Your body needs them daily in proper quantities because your body cannot manufacture them - that is what is meant for any ';essential'; nutrient.

    Some of the specific benefits are significantly decrease cancer risk, improve hormone balance, increase insulin sensitivity and efficiency in diabetics, helps with nerve development in eyes, helps support healthy skin, supports respiratory function and health.

    You want to be sure you get a supplement that is free of all heavy metals. Don't be cheap!
    Anti Cancer,anti aging,good for heart. Fish is to expensive to buy and eat.
    lets talk straight to the point( coz i wanna go sleep hehehe)

    main benefits:

    -Good for the brain and children too

    -he heart's best friend

    -Reduces pain and helps prevent cancer

    -Safe and easily available

    make sure u drink loads!! ehhehe
    YES. One of the most important, like one of the respondens pointed out is its high Omega 3 content.

    What does Omega 3 do for you?

    A number of years ago, a medical scientist received the Nobel Prize for discovering a group of hormones called eicosanoids.

    There are two main groups of eicosanoids, for the sake of simplicity let's call them A and B.

    Type A will act as anti-inflamatory (helping preventing arthritis and other inflamatory problems), maintain your blood without clots (preventing heart desease) and most importantly: boost your immune system (which helps you against any outside attack to your body by bacteria and virus.)

    Type B will do the opposite and exists to counterbalance type A activity. For e.g. you your blood gets too thin, you will bruise easily and a wound will take too long to coagulate and close up. If you don't have anything to produce inflamation you loose a valuable protection when you injure a body part. The inflamation cushions and protects that part to speed its healing.

    So, we need both types, but most modern deseases come from an excess of Type B over type A.

    Omega 3 counterbalances that by enhancing the production of type A in the body factory.

    On top of these advantages it is also good for your memory and other brain functions.

    The best source is cod liver oil from Norway (because their water is cleaner and not poluted with lead and mercury like other places). A number of labs make it, and add some very tasty flavors to make it palatable.

    Have a minimum of one large spoon/day.
    There are some good answers to this, but I just wanted to add one thing: mood stabilization. It's very effective for combating affective disorders.

    What is history of lican essential oil(lichnperiata) wht are the properties,wht it blends with,cautions,smell?

    Need to know as much as I can about this essential oil. Note, consistency, strength of aroma, common uses, color, what it smells like, I need as much information as possible. How it is used in massage and aromatherapy, why is it used.Thank youWhat is history of lican essential oil(lichnperiata) wht are the properties,wht it blends with,cautions,smell?
    According to this website that information is not readily available:鈥?/a>

    and this one:鈥?/a>

    Does anybody knows what properties Rose Mosqueta oil has and what it's use for?

    I've been told that it has regenerative properties and it's used to treat wrinkles and scars. Is that so? thksDoes anybody knows what properties Rose Mosqueta oil has and what it's use for?
    Natural skincare anti aging cosmeticDoes anybody knows what properties Rose Mosqueta oil has and what it's use for?
    It's made from Rose Hips. Supposedly it's good for skin health and scarring like vitamin E oil.
  • new myspace
  • What property of oil makes it float in water?

    Its for my chemistry class, hope you guys can help! THANX!What property of oil makes it float in water?
    the fact that it's less dense that water, but even more important, the fact that it's hidrophobic, and so, it's not soluble in waterWhat property of oil makes it float in water?
    physical property of oil: density.
    the oil is less dense than the water therefor it floats

    I have just purchased some hemp oil for the health properties...?

    I wanted to know of anyone is using and which food they add to? I know it can be as a salad dressing and you cannot heat it.I have just purchased some hemp oil for the health properties...?
    (Just a quick aside to the people who seem to be confused about the difference between hemp oil %26amp; cannabis: Hemp oil is NOT illegal, will not get you high, and is usually produced from special hemp plants bred to contain virtually no THC. So get over the hemp=weed nonsense!!)

    You can use hemp oil in any food that isn't too warm, as the heat MAY destroy the beneficial properties (although there is some evidence that hemp oil is more resistant to heat than was previously thought - see sources). You already mention salad dressing; don't forget that salad doesn't have to be lettuce %26amp; other leaves - there are potato salads, bean sprout salads, pasta salads, coleslaw etc, all of which would be great with hemp oil on them. You can drizzle it over warm cooked foods such as pasta, rice or steamed veg, as long as it isn't too hot it should be ok. You can also add a few spoonfuls to things like smoothies to increase the nutritional content.

    Alternatively you can just take it like a medicine by the spoonful - just like they used to with cod-liver oil! I actually take it like this myself quite often, as it doesn't taste too bad, but I suppose it is down to personal preference.

    There is increasing evidence that you can heat hemp oil, however most of this focuses on whether dangerous trans-fatty acids are produced when it is heated, rather than whether the beneficial fatty acids are destroyed. So I'd say it is better to only use it at low temperatures if you are eating it for the EFAs, unless further evidence is produced specifically showing that heat does not destroy the EFAs.

    Another tip - store the oil in the freezer, it will keep much longer, and remains liquid even when frozen. Hemp oil degrades %26amp; many of the beneficial properties are lost if it is stored for too long. Keeping it in the fridge is ok if you are sure you will use it all within a few months. Out of the fridge it will only last around 1 month, and even less if it has been exposed to light for too long.I have just purchased some hemp oil for the health properties...?
    You might get arrested. Why buy it if you don't know how to use it? Had you been at the magic mushrooms?
    smoke it
    Hemp you say ?! why not sprinkle some Hash - like Bisto - over your may well make you feel good.

    This page should help.

    Zinc white or titanium white...which white oil paint dries faster and what other properties does it havet?

    I need to know what the proerties are of different white artists` oil paints.

    Any help appreciated...Thanks.Zinc white or titanium white...which white oil paint dries faster and what other properties does it havet?
    It has been my experience that Zinc White is cooler and dries slower than Titanium White. My favorite white is called Permalba. Pretty clean white and dries reasonably faster than the others.Zinc white or titanium white...which white oil paint dries faster and what other properties does it havet?
    Titanium white is very opaque.

    Zinc white is a little more transparent, although there is no such thing as transparent white.

    I prefer zinc white, especially when I mix white to tame transparent colours.
    Titanium white is the preffered color of lot of artists. It dries faster is the most neutral. it is not transparent. It mixes well with other colors. Also it is not as poisonous as zinc white.
    I don't paint, but used to work in a wallpaper factory. The prefered whitener is titanium, as it gives a more stable white.

    I don't know if that helps your question, butu it is something worth considering.
    I'm into light blurs and glints in my paintings... I go through a lot of white... I agree. Titanium white dries faster on average. It also retains that ';bright'; look better, in my opinion...
    Titanium white dries faster and is the most opaque and brilliant in colour and texture. It is the most popular white, because it is non-toxic. Zinc white is made of zinc oxide. It is transparent, creamy and cool in texture. It dries much slower than titanium white. If you need a paint that dries fast, go for titanium white.

    It's said that titanium white is more stable and recent studies have shown that zinc may tend to crack.

    I use both and also a lead white called Cremnitz (sp ?) from W%26amp;N.

    Rembrandt makes a transparent white with very low tinting power. Good for not dulling other colours.

    One of the posters mentioned Permalba's white. I've never used it but have read very good things about it. There are artists who work with other brands but will use Permalba's white.


    You find oil on your property. The oil field is huge and beyond your property. Can others drill this field?

    What if the oil field is huge, but no one else has discovered it? Can the neighbors tap the field from their own property? Does the oil field belong to the original discovering party?You find oil on your property. The oil field is huge and beyond your property. Can others drill this field?
    Where I live (Ohio), you need a minimum of forty acres in order to drill a well. Often time, this involves multiple property owners.

    Assuming all property owners are in agreement, they would divide 1/8 of the revenue if oil or gas is produced. (The company that drills gets the remaining 7/8).You find oil on your property. The oil field is huge and beyond your property. Can others drill this field?
    You would have to file a claim. When you buy property, you only own the surface soil. The government still own all mineral rights on the property. If you find oil the government would auction off the mineral rights to the highest bidder.
    there are two types of land deeds or actually three. one says surface only one says sub-surface only and one says surface and sub-surface. so who ever holds the deeds that specify sub-surface is free to drill and pump oil until it runs out.

    What are the physical properties of diesel engine oil?

    This site may help

    禄禄禄What are the physical properties of diesel engine oil?
    Primary its a fuel and it has cooling .lubricating ,and hydraulicing properties.

    S there any olive oil that is tasteless or near tasteless but still has the same good properties?

    I have high cholesterol and would like to change from vegetable to olive oilS there any olive oil that is tasteless or near tasteless but still has the same good properties?
    Vegetable oils (corn, canola, peanut, olive) contain NO cholesterol whatsoever, but the do ALL contain 14 grams of FAT per tablespoon. Cholesterol is also MADE by the body. You might want to talk to your doctor and see if you're a candidate for a triglyceride lowering medication, such as gemfibrozil (Lopid). If high cholesterol runs in your family, you can do a lot to lower it. Cutting out fatty foods and meats, dairy, cheese etc. will drop your cholesterol significantly....However, I would again suggest that you talk with your doctor about lowering your cholesterol. Ask him/her what your last TOTAL cholesterol count was, and what your HDL and LDL levels were, and have the differences of the two lipids explained to you......

    Christopher K.S there any olive oil that is tasteless or near tasteless but still has the same good properties?
    Funny you should ask! I just found one I like very much and it is cheap! It is the ';Great Value'; (Wal-Mart brand) light tasting olive oil. It is really very good. I was skeptical about buying a generic olive oil, but I don't think you'll be disappointed.
    Go with a lighter olive oil, not extra virgin. However, if you cook with it, and not using it for salads, the heat destroys much of the flavor.
    I use any of the ';light tasting'; varieties... Bertolli, even Crisco has one out now. I'm like you, I want the health advantage of olive oil, but am not real crazy about the stronger flavor of EVOO.
    Why not just use corn or vegetable oil- like olive oil, it has no saturated fats
    ';Extra Light'; olive oil is ';extra light'; in taste. I use it for everything!
  • new myspace
  • What are the properties of oil?

    Depends on what type of oil. Motor oil is what first comes to mind but then there is bably oil and vegetable oil, or caster oil

    General Characteristics

    1) doesn't mix with water

    2) liquid, usually more viscous than water

    3) composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen in chains

    4) usually will float on water but some oils are more denseWhat are the properties of oil?
    leaves a layer or sheen when spilled in water

    less dense than water

    slippery to touch

    composed primarily of hydrocarbons

    Physical properties of oil . . . for science experiment!?

    what substance has similar PHYSICAL properties (ie viscosity) to 75-90 W synthetic gear oil? i am doing this for a science experiment, and i don't have gear oil so i need a replacement.

    thanks!Physical properties of oil . . . for science experiment!?
    You can use Valvoline or Royal Purple brands of synthetic 75-90 gear oil

    Is there something I can use besides Polaris synthetic 2-cycle oil, like a generic with the same properties?

    It is part # 2875035, and I don't think it is worth $8 a quart.Is there something I can use besides Polaris synthetic 2-cycle oil, like a generic with the same properties?
    Yes. You can use a petroleum based 2-cycle oil, but it may void your warranty. If your machine is new, I would recommend you stick with a synthetic oil. Other brands of synthetic oil are about the same price as Polaris, so no savings using anothr brand, but possibly easier to find when needed.

    Is there any olive oil that is tasteless or near tasteless but still has the same good properties?

    I have high cholesterol and would like to change from vegetable to olive oilIs there any olive oil that is tasteless or near tasteless but still has the same good properties?
    You just defined 'Extra Virgin Olive Oil.' There is virtually no taste. Good luck with your cholesterol battle!Is there any olive oil that is tasteless or near tasteless but still has the same good properties?
    try organic extra virgin olive oil. it should be nearly clear with a faint yellow tint, and will not taste strong at all.

    Does Cod Liver Oil have immunity boosting properties?

    My aunt is from the south and she use to give all the youngsters 1 teaspoon every year and i can't recall every being sick just curious. It was very disgusting and smelled horriblyDoes Cod Liver Oil have immunity boosting properties?
    yes, Child life always uses the highest grade of Cod Liver Oil available in the world, which provides the cleanest, freshest oil. Each and every batch of Cod Liver Oil is tested and certified to be free of any detectable amounts of Mercury, PCB鈥檚 and dioxins.

    it's super immunity boosting, it's sort of like Omega 3's... Really very healthy, i would thank your aunt if i were you..



    What is the real color of lube oil? What is this physical properties called?

    before dyes are added it is colorless - transparent, all light passes through without being absorbed, reflected, or scattered.What is the real color of lube oil? What is this physical properties called?
    Lube oil has no dyes added. It is a mixture of colours. Look at a thin layer of lube oil floating on water and the colours it reflects from different angles.

    This colour property of the oil varies according to the oil's ';Refractive Index'; by which, together with the ';Viscosity Index';, governs the grade of the oil when blended.

    (A short term in a Lube Oil Blending Plant during my Oil and Gas Training Programme).
  • new myspace
  • Does Avon Skin-So-Soft body lotion have the same bug repellent properties as the bath oil?

    Also, does it matter what fragrance I choose, or should I always use the Original?

    **I am aware that Avon makes special ';bug'; products, but I'd rather use the plain SSS oil or lotion if possible.**Does Avon Skin-So-Soft body lotion have the same bug repellent properties as the bath oil?
    Yes, down here in the mosquito-infested Deep South people have been using the lotion for decades for this reason. It does have to be the original scent though, which I hate the smell of. Apparently, the bugs hate it too. It was not created for this purpose, but when people realized that it worked that way, word got around quickly.Does Avon Skin-So-Soft body lotion have the same bug repellent properties as the bath oil?
    the original is the one that works. although it has no bug repellant in it, for some odd reason it works. but to me is real oily. i would rather use off. they have a new one now. it it safe for everyone and it drys dry, not oily or greasy like most.
    i just use the regular stuff, besides, their bug repellant STINKS to high heaven!
    Just the Oil..the lotion does not repel bugs as good as the oil.
    Yes, SSS is suppose to repel mosquitos and it smells great! I do not believe it has DEET in it.

    Is garlic oil medical properties as good as raw oil ?

    is there any other product or derivetive that you recommendIs garlic oil medical properties as good as raw oil ?
    Not necessarily. Any Vegetable oil will suffice.

    What is the difference of bunker oil from ordinary oil in terms of properties and chemical composition?

    Bunker fuel is technically any type of fuel oil used aboard ships. It gets its name from the containers on ships and in ports that it is stored in, called bunkers.

    Bunker A is No. 2 fuel oil,

    bunker B is No. 4 or No. 5,

    and bunker C is No. 6.

    Since No. 6 is the most common, ';bunker fuel'; is often used as a synonym for No. 6. No. 5 fuel oil is also called navy special fuel oil or just navy special, No. 6 or 5 may also be known as furnace fuel oil (FFO said ef-ef-oh), and its high viscosity (thickness) requires it to be heated, usually by a reticulated low pressure steam system, before it can be pumped from a bunker tank.

    The chain length of No. 6 is 20-70.

    C: 82.8, H:12.19, O:2.15, S:2.8

    Does heating extra virgin olive oil make it lose it's good properties?

    My Mum has high cholesterol and she eats a lot of curry. I was wondering if we replace the oil she uses with extra virgin olive oil will that help lower her cholesterol or does heating it make it lose its good properties?Does heating extra virgin olive oil make it lose it's good properties?
    Heating olive oil to frying temperatures ruins its delicate flavor but can also decrease antioxidants and create a host of new chemical species. These new chemicals include hydroperoxides, alcohols, aldehydes, hydrocarbons, free fatty acids, esters, ketones, lactones, furans and others (Kiritsakis). The same is true for any oil.

    Place a small quantity of the oil in a glass bowl and refrigerate it for a few days. If it becomes crystalline, the chances are good that it is a true extra virgin olive oil. If it forms a block, it is most likely chemically refined olive oil that has had some first-pressed olive oil added to it.

    Another test to see whether olive oil has been blended is to place a tablespoon of olive oil in a hot pan and heat it up. If the olive oil can be poured back into the same tablespoon after heating then it is most likely blended. If the volume of olive oil increases after heating, it is most likely cold pressed pure extra virgin olive oil.

    Does heating extra virgin olive oil make it lose it's good properties?
    Using olive oil for medium heat uses (regular cooking, sautes, etc.) is fine. You lose some flavor and a few benefits, but not much. I saute with olive oil all the time. If you are going to do a high heat application (frying) use canola or sunflower oils.

    It will still be a lower cholesterol alternative for your mom.
    good golly, I sure hope not. Is this not why we cook with it??

    Are there any healing properties in Olive oil?

    Olive oil is loaded with health promoting polyphenols. Lots of medical studies have shown health benefits associated with diets high in olive oil.

    A search for medical research studies on Pubmed using the terms ';olive oil disease prevention'; yielded a return of 136 papers.

    Best wishes.Are there any healing properties in Olive oil?
    It brought my cholesterol down.Good for ear aches ,so yes I guess there are.

    Has anyone heard about the miraculous properties of Moroccan argon oil? ?

    It's supposed to be really beneficial in reducing cholesterol and other nasties if used as a salad dressing AND an amazing skin rejuvenater if used externally. Sounds too good to be true ... I've bought some anyway just to see if it works! The way it's produced is fascinating enough to make one believe in its properties.Has anyone heard about the miraculous properties of Moroccan argon oil? ?
    sounds like a scam to me. Argon is a noble, or inert, elemental gas, %26amp; it's near impossible to compound it with anything, which its why it's used in metal-welding machines. (TIG/MIG)

    Spelling does make a difference, your correction enabled me to find the right site.

    It sounds interesting, what does it taste like?Has anyone heard about the miraculous properties of Moroccan argon oil? ?
    There's one born every minute.
  • new myspace
  • How Hot Can Olive Oil Be Heated Before Its Beneficial Properties Are Destroyed?

    I understand the EFA's break down at a certain heat, but what *is* that temperature?

    If I sautee some garlic and onions in olive oil, will I lose the health benefits of the oil? At that point, will the olive oil become *UNhealthy*?How Hot Can Olive Oil Be Heated Before Its Beneficial Properties Are Destroyed?
    Olive Oil Myth: Olive oil loses its benefits when heated

    The Facts: Excessively heating olive oil will evaporate the alcohols and esters which make up its delicate taste and fragrance. Heating olive oil will not change its health aspects, only the flavor. Use a cheaper olive oil which doesn't have much flavor to begin with if you want to fry with it, add a more flavorful olive oil after cooking or at the table.How Hot Can Olive Oil Be Heated Before Its Beneficial Properties Are Destroyed?
    you can't. the only oil that you should cook with, that won't change in molecular structure is coconut oil, but make sure it's organic, virgin, unrefined coconut oil. that's what i use.鈥?/a>
    ';Because of their low temperature threshold, nearly all oils that are used as EFA supplements are not suitable for use as cooking oils.';
    extra virgin olive oil is the best kind of oil you can cook with, so whether it becomes unhealthy or not doesnt really matter becuase it started off better then the other oils (like vegetable and canola)- so therefore its your only choice if you want healthhy oil
    When you saute garlic and onions you are looking to cook the food, not the benefit of the oil really, if you want the full benefit, just dip bread in some or use it in salads. The nutritional value of the garlic and onions are degraded by cooking but they taste so good. Besides what do you propose to do, hold a thermometer in the pan while you saute onions and garlic? It's just not practical
    i dont know about the breaking down of efa's sorry but I can tell you that olive oil does boil off at a low temperature, I was experimenting with it as it happens the other day and the regulat olive oil I was testing stabilised at 95 degrees C less than boiling water! vegitable oil including ground nut oils are able to go much higher, and so are better for sealing and sauting imho.

    interesting question - looking forward to a good answer from someone

    Hemp seed oil for face - what are the beneficial properties?

    Are you indirectly smoking weed?

    Is it harmful in any form?Hemp seed oil for face - what are the beneficial properties?
    The best skin cleanser and moisturizer of all, is one that smells ---- not so good. And it's hard to find.

    But once you've used it, you'll find that there's nothing else on the market that really cleans your skin better than it can.

    ';Mustard Oil';. If you can find some, try it and you'll see.

    As regards to ';weed';, I tried it twice, and it made me sick both times; and try now never to be around anyone smoking it.

    AlberichHemp seed oil for face - what are the beneficial properties?
    Using hemp seed oil based products pose none of the health risks of smoking marijuana. However, I wouldn't recommend applying it or any moisturizer containing much oil. to your face. The stuff is great on the rest of your body though!
    Hemp has been used for a long time, its not bad for you and if anything its good for you.Marijuana is mostly bad because you smoke it.
    It is a natural moisturizer.

    No, No
    no....and it is good for your skin

    I would like to know about the properties of linseed oil.....?

    I was trying to make marbalized paper. I bought a tube of oil based paint and mixed in some linseed oil to create a loose consistency so that I could flick it off of the brush into my pan of water. Instead of floating on top of the water, the paint mixture sunk to the bottom of the plastic container. I lowered the paper to the bottom of the container to absorb the paint. It has been five days and the paper is very oily still and the paint has not dried yet. Why did the paint sink to the bottom and not float?

    Why is the paint still wet, and why is the paper so oily?I would like to know about the properties of linseed oil.....?
    Well, I'm not that good an artist, but I usually add linseed oil when I want to be able to modify the paint strokes without damaging the already dry paint underneath. Adding linseed oil extends the drying out time a lot. It gives you a pocket of time when you can wipe off paint that you wish to remove.

    I also use linseed when I want to have a watercolor effect using oils as it also thins out the pigment.I would like to know about the properties of linseed oil.....?
    Also linseed oil (it's from flax seeds) is a drying oil. It's what sticks the pigment to the surface. Paint thinner is often used to speed up the drying time. I paint in oils sometimes and never use thinner. The linseed oil itself drys eventually. Used outside it continues drying until finally it no longer sticks. Then it peels off the surface.

    Waste vegetable oil (WVO) has many similar properties to diesel fuel. What are the similar properties?

    Every website I google just briefly said the same thing that Waste Vegetable Oil has the same properties to diesel fuel but they don't give more details.Waste vegetable oil (WVO) has many similar properties to diesel fuel. What are the similar properties?
    when compressed, it ignites at about the same compression / temperature as diesel fuel.

    in an engine, you want the spark to ignite the fuel mixture at the point where the air/fuel mixture is about to explode. (ie where it would spontaneously ignite anyway.

    that's why you hear car engines with higher compression ratios knock when they use 87 octane gasoline.

    87 octane spontaneously ignites at a lower temperature.

    the same is true of diesel engines.

    they're designed so that diesel fuel ignites at the maximum compression of the engine.

    it's just a fortunate coincidence that vegetable oil ignites at the same point.

    the power ratio is not the same because diesel fuel is just carbon and hydrogen, whereas vegetable oil also contains some oxygen.

    on the other hand waste veg-oil is essentially free.Waste vegetable oil (WVO) has many similar properties to diesel fuel. What are the similar properties?
    waste vegetable oil is not free, it's quite expensive when you add in the cost of converting, the cost of filtering, the cost of also maintaining your normal system, the cost of not being able to use it because it freezes to an unmovable jello, the cost of the taxes you MUST pay or be fined $10,000 for not paying the taxes.
    It's flamable therefore it puts out energy, %26amp; produces ';smog';.

    What is the color of a lube oil? What is this properties called?

    There are various brands, and types of lube oil. Are we talking oil, or grease? An oils' properties are grade, density, and viscosity. Most greases are dark blue whan you look at them as a smear on your fingers in the sun. Some greases are made with lithium, which allows greater adhesion to surfaces, better resistance regarding the viscosity breakdown, and better resistance to wear due to water permeation. Lithium greases can be red, or a real light grey. Viscosity is an oils' flowing ability, grade is its' purity, density is its' thickness.What is the color of a lube oil? What is this properties called?
    Do you mean motor (engine) oil?

    Engine oil is light (almost clear) amber color. As it gets dirty it turns dark brown to black.


    What do you mean by ';this property';?

    Good Luck...

    What physical and chemical properties of Alkanes contribute to the consequences of oil spill?

    Low water solubility

    Low chemical reactivity

    Relatively high toxicity to fish and birds
  • new myspace
  • Does cholesterol lowering food lose its properties when heated in oil?

    I heard that foods like lentils, split peas, chicken and oily fish are good for cholesterol but do they lose their goodness when heated in oil (i.e. when making curry)?Does cholesterol lowering food lose its properties when heated in oil?
    Hello there ~ the simple answer to your question is that they do not.

    Having said that, be careful which oils you use ~ if you are going to cook at a higher temp. when use Groundnut oil ~ this is good for you and doesn't lose that goodness when heated to a high temp.

    People say about Olive oil ~ this is also good for you, but better used over something like a salad, and not to cook at high temps.

    The other things you mentioned are fine and will not lose anything by cooking ~ one tip ~ buy chicken pieces on the bone and with the skin on ~ pop them in the oven to roast and when they are done, take the skin off etc., this leaves the meat softer than if you had just cooked them without the skin, and you are not taking the fat in .

    You can then take the chicken, break it up and add to any curry you are making.

    With oily fish such as mackerel, or sardines, grill them first, then you can break them up for a curry, or serve them with a salad.

    Hope this helps a little.

    If shark oil has anti-cancer properties why arent people using it for cancer patients?

    My cousin told us about sharks have this oil that makes them the only mammal on the planet that doesnt get cancer.

    why arent people using it then? Are they trying to keep the sharks safe or what? becuase if we did use it on cancer patients sharks would be extinct so whats the dealio with that?? are sharks more important than cancer patients?If shark oil has anti-cancer properties why arent people using it for cancer patients?
    Sharks do get cancer.

    Even if this were true, to suggest it鈥檚 okay that we kill any animal into extinction because we are more important is narrow minded and irresponsible. Every creature is here for a reason. When we disrupt that and we have many times, it throws the entire food chain out of whack and creates bigger problems we did not foresee and often cannot correct.If shark oil has anti-cancer properties why arent people using it for cancer patients?
    Your cousin is misinformed; products from sharks - and it is usually sharks' cartilage that is promoted as an anti-cancer treatment rather than oil - are completely ineffective, and an out and out scam.

    The supposed fact that sharks don't get cancer, along with the fact that they have a high proportion of cartilage in their bodies led William Lane, to author of Sharks Don't Get Cancer, to decide that shark cartilage could prevent/cure cancer tumours in humans.

    But Gary Ostrander and colleagues from Johns Hopkins University have detailed more than 40 published examples of tumours in sharks, some dating back to the 1800s.

    Despite the fact that that so far a total of 8 uncontrolled trials and 5 controlled trials have produced no evidence that shark cartilage is effective against cancer (the most recent study, by the American Cancer Institute, found it to be ineffective for lung cancer patients) this pseudoscience is still being promoted by people unscrupulous enough to seek to make money out of desperate and vulnerable people.

    The consequences aren't just potentially tragic for cancer patients, who will surely die of untreated cancer if they rely on this discredited remedy, but has serious implications for the shark population too.

    No, in my opinion sharks are not more important than cancer patients, but shark populations are being destroyed so that a few people can make large profits from exploiting the desperation and misery of vulnerable people by taking their cash for a totally ineffective treatment.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    well sharks and humans are different. Also, even if shark oil has anti-cancer properties it doesn't cure cancer, so taking it while you have cancer won't cure it but it can suppsedly prevent it or maybe delay the onset. Cancer is not a single type of disease which is why there are so many treatments and options for it.
    Sharks can and do get cancer. They may be less suseptible, but they are not immune. If you want to take fish oil, take salmon or krill. I'd rather not put fish oil in my mouth, so I use flax seed oil pills that have omegas, ala, and lignans.
    Sharks get cancer. No part of sharks is ';anti-cancer.'; It's bs.
    Shark oil has no anti-cancer value. Get your science right before posting such nonsense.

    Sate four properties that can distinguish between water and oil?

    State four properties (two physical %26amp; two chemical) that could be used to distinguish between oil %26amp; water.Sate four properties that can distinguish between water and oil?
    Oil is less dense than water.

    Oil is organic, whereas water is inorganic.

    Oil is more viscous than water.

    Oil does not evaporate as readily as water.Sate four properties that can distinguish between water and oil?
    If you are asking about Crude Oil here are some differences (note the * indicates that the applicable to Crude Oil only)

    Oil is flammable Water is not

    Oil has color Water does not.

    *Oil can be broken down into several different Hydrocarbon chains *(ie: gasoline, kerosene, diesel, bitumen, etc. Surfer can also be extracted from Oil - Water can be broken down in to only two elements oxygen and hydrogen - they cannot be reconstituted to from anything else but H2O.

    *Oil contains lighter ends (factions) called aromatics this give it the distinguish smell - Water has no aromatics.

    There are many other things - a bit more complex. I hope this helps.

    Oil is flammable
    is McCrystal ur teacher?

    Is it true thar parsley seeds and essential oil have hallucinogenic properties caused by myristicin?

    can you actually get high from chewing some parsley seeds which you bought at a flower shop like morning glories?

    how many seeds are required for a nice good trip?Is it true thar parsley seeds and essential oil have hallucinogenic properties caused by myristicin?
    go to

    Whar are the properties of Lotus oil?

    What can it be used for?Whar are the properties of Lotus oil?
    Lotus oil is a perfume and face and skin treating agent and is good for adding to a bath.

    You can find further information in a search for ';lotus oil'; + properties.

    Does Black Currant Seed oil have estrogenic properties?

    I know that Evening primrose oil does.....

    I am looking for a source of GLA that has no estrogenic properties in it.Does Black Currant Seed oil have estrogenic properties?
    Well, it's not so much that it has estrogenic properties, but it actually helps more with supporting a healthy balance of hormones... that's the very nature of GLA.

    It doesn't boost estrogen, so it's perfectly safe for men to take without worry (it's actually good for skin health for men, too). I know there is a lot of confusion and misinformation about things that help support hormones (especially with all the worries about animal hormones in food and plastic bottles having an effect on hormones), but this isn't one of the things you would have to worry about like that. I hope I helped!
  • new myspace
  • I would like to know on how I can buy crude oil and what should be the properties of crude oil I would check?

    My aim of this question is to know on what are the crude properties which I should conctentrate while buying

    How to convert Barrels into million metric ton

    What are the average crude oil cost in following countries.

    1) Russia





    6)KuwaitI would like to know on how I can buy crude oil and what should be the properties of crude oil I would check?
    I don't know about the prices, but I can tell you some of the properties. It depends on what you're trying to do with the oil. If you want to refine it into light products like kerosene, gasoline, etc., then you want a light crude. Louisiana has light sweet crude. Usually there is more of a demand for lighter crude oils because they are much easier to refine. Other props to look for are water content, sediment content, salts content (sodium, potassium, etc.), silicon, arsenic, lead, mercury. You would want all those levels to be very low.

    The heavier crudes can be refined, but many countries do not have the refinery capability to handle theh heavier crudes, such as the crude sold by Venezuala.

    I work in a petroleum lab and we have a book that is full of helpful ltables that converts barrels, gallons, metric tons, imperial gallons and a ton of other conversions. It is put out by ASTM. You could probably find one on Amazon. The only thing you would need is an instrument to calculate the density or you could contract that work out to a lab like the one I work for. Hope this helps.I would like to know on how I can buy crude oil and what should be the properties of crude oil I would check?
    Saudi, Yemen and Kuwait are members of OPEC and their prices are the same, most other oil producing countires also set their prices at the same levels for exporting.
    You forgot Nigeria, why not contact one of the gangs in Nigeria and they will cut you a SWEET deal.

    How to convert barrels into million metric tons? yeah right.

    With your knowledge of the oil industry, you can't fail to make some serious money.

    This is an interesting question in my opinion, (ANS) I have a strong feeling that you cannot actually buy crude oil yourself.

    Crude Oil is seen as a commodity ( a raw material) and as such its a substance that is traded, its traded on a global oil market just like stocks %26amp; shares. Often the companies involved in oil %26amp; gas exploration are the same companies involved in the refining process.

    **Crude Oil has a wide range of qualities, its quite a complex subject in itself. Things like a) Viscosity i.e. how thick or how runny b) What % of volitile chemicals it contains i.e. how flamible c) smell i.e. this tells you alot about the characteristics of the oil too. d) Colour and so forth.

    **You can go to a firm %26amp; buy %26amp; sell (trade) oil %26amp; gas stocks %26amp; shares, you can buy %26amp; sell stocks %26amp; shares in the oil %26amp; gas companies (for example BP, Shell,etc).

    **A barrel of crude is the basic unit which is traded.

    **For the various crude oil prices per barrel from different sources %26amp; countries you would need to look on the global oil %26amp; gas stock market information.

    **Try the following website

    **Run a search via Google or Yahoo using the following key words ';Oil %26amp; Gas Market information'; that should give you a good starting point.

    There is several type, described by sweet and color. The price is dependent on spot price that you can find inany business news network or your paper. All the countries are about the same if you can buy it. SOme may charge more than the spot price, infact I can guarantee since they don't know you. Plus there is probably other charges like delivery or something. Crude is probably useless unless you have a refinery, and I guarantee you don't. Unlesss your a large oil company, you would just waste all the other fine products Crude can give you, like petroleum jelly and petroleum ether.

    Has anyone heard of the magical properties of moroccan ARGAN oil?

    I don't want to receive any dismissive answers.Has anyone heard of the magical properties of moroccan ARGAN oil?
    Just read the wikipedia article: very interesting. I don't know about magic, but grapeseed oil has a broadly similar composition.

    What are the properties of vanilla essential oil in a burner?

    Also are there any aromatherapy recipes for vanilla oil.

    thank youWhat are the properties of vanilla essential oil in a burner?
    Vanilla Oil -

    Vanilla means memories of childhood with the intensity of seemingly everlasting moments of joy.

    The dense, slightly spicy and exotic sweetness linked to some bitter background notes and the earthy and full presence of the taste of Vanilla is only equalized by chocolate, another famous temptation from the heat flooded lands of the South.

    A creeper in the jungle, Vanilla oil is the call for earthy and sensual pleasures. It is linked to the glandular/endocrine experience of taste that the mere thought of it will make people dream. Sensitive individuals should however avoid it in the evening, as it has slightly stimulating properties.

    Vanilla is soothing and harmonizing to the fire element in us; it stabilizes emotions and consoles when sadness or grief seems to overpower us. Delightful sweetness of the tropics with a seductive kiss of the earth.

    Suggested Uses: Apply Vanilla essential oil topically, or add to your favorite blend. May be used in a diffuser, nebulizer, or candle lamp.

    Possible Actions: Vanilla essential oil has been traditionally used as an aphrodesiac and general soother of the emotions.

    Possible Indications: Vanilla oil can be supportive for calming and relaxing states of anxiety.

    What happens to the properties when oil and gas mix?

    I need to know what happens to the properties like standard flow ratesWhat happens to the properties when oil and gas mix?
    It sounds like you are asking for the physical properties of a solution - since by gas I assume you mean gasoline and by oil I assume you mean petroleum oil.

    You can calculate things like boiling point and freezing point of solutions but to my knowledge I am not aware of a way to calculate things like viscosity for a solution.

    For a start if I were estimating something like this I would prorate density and viscosity - but I don't think this is rigorous. That's why there are so many tables used in engineering - lot of stuff is empirical.

    For example - when I look in my old Mark's handbook, they have charts of oil viscosity vs temperature for various oils. I assume these are based on test data not theory.

    Do you know the properties of oil from hyptis suaveolens seeds?

    It is a plant called CHIA in M茅xico. I am told that oil from those seeds have higher content of omega 3 than oil from fishes in cold seas. Where can I check that?Do you know the properties of oil from hyptis suaveolens seeds?
    The seeds of Hyptis suaveolens contain 77%-80% linoleic acid, and little or no linolenic acid. The total oil yield is very low compared to other commercially grown oil seed crops.

    The site: ';New Industrial Crops: Northwestern Argentina Regional Project'; reports analysis of commercial use as biomass f.e.:鈥?/a>

    The essential oil is known to have medicinal properties:

    anti-cancerous, mycotoxic, antimicrobial, against loss of appetite f.e.鈥?/a>

    This site cites Hyptis suaveolens in ';FUEL OIL YIELDING PLANTS LIST (NON EDIBLE )'; as number 134, reports ';Seed contain 13% fatty oil.';

    About chia is reported, that its a cereal composed of several species: Salvia polystachya, Hyptis suaveolens and Salvia hispanica, the last one, currently harvested in a small scale in few Mexico麓s states like Morelos, Puebla, Guerrero and Jalisco `. I didn`t find details about mixing ratio of the three ingredients.

    Chia contains excellent levels of omega-3 fatty acid, anti oxidants, dietary fiber (22.1%) and proteins. Some authors consider chia seed as the highest vegetable edible source of omega-3 fatty acid.

    All about chia ( contents, use, history etc.:鈥?/a>